Emory Golf Stands Second After First Round Of UAA Championships

Emory Golf Stands Second After First Round Of UAA Championships

The No. 20-ranked Emory golf team is in second place after the first round of the University Athletic Association Championships. This year’s 36-hole event is being held at the Red Tail Golf Course in Sorrento, Fla.

The Eagles posted a team score of 302 and are three strokes behind Rochester’s mark of 299.  New York University is third at 316 while Carnegie Mellon checked in at 317.

Senior Charles Raindre was Emory’s top performer with his two-over par 74 tying for third place in the field.  Michael Mullavey was the next Eagle on the leader board at 75, ranking fourth overall.  Rounding out the team’s scorers were Ryan Dagerman at 76, Nick Szem at 77 and Johnathan Chen with a 79. 

Rochester’s Nick Palladino and NYU’s Kyle Demshki are tied for the top spot with each registering a 73.

Action concludes on Sunday.