Getting to Know Charlie Donahue...

Getting to Know Charlie Donahue...

Name: Charlie Donahue

Favorite Food: BBQ

Favorite Movie: CaddyShack

Favorite Television Show: Sports Center

Favorite Musical Artist: Alan Jackson

A word to describe me on the field: Competative

A word to describe me off the field: Relaxed

My most memorable athletic moment was: Winning the state cup in high school

What I like most about Emory: The location

I would like to switch places for the day with: Lil' Wayne

Favorite pro athlete: Deco

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: VA Tech football

A place you would most like to visit: Spain

Three Things You Can't Do Without: I-Pod, cell phone, chapstick

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't playing soccer: Baseball

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Martin Luther King Jr, John Adams, and Plato

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "If you want something, go after it until you get it"- Dad

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I like classical music

Throughout the year, you will have an opportunity to learn more about members of the Emory men's soccer team through their 'Getting to Know...' profiles.  Click here to view all of the 'Getting to Know...' profiles from the 2009-10 year.