Getting to Know Alex Scott...

Getting to Know Alex Scott...

Name: Alex Scott

Favorite Food: Beef tenderloin

Favorite Movie: The Hangover

Favorite Television Show: The Office

Favorite Musical Artist: The Beatles

A word to describe me on the field: Composed

A word to describe me off the field: Easy going

My most memorable athletic moment was: Scoring the game-winning goal in double overtime to win the Sectional final in high school.

What I like most about Emory: The atmosphere

I would like to switch places for the day with: Jack Johnson

My favorite place on the Emory campus: The DUC

Favorite pro athlete: Michael Jordan

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: The Chicago Bulls, Cubs and Bears

A place you would most like to visit: Japan

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: The soccer team by giving me a good group of guys to be around.

Any pre-game rituals: Stretch and drink water

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't playing soccer: Basketball

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Jesus, John Lennon, Benjamin Frankin

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "Always do your best, but if your best isn't good enough, find a way to make it better" - Soccer coach Michael DesLauriers

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I don't drink carbonated beverages.

Throughout the year, you will have an opportunity to learn more about members of the Emory men's soccer team through their 'Getting to Know...' profiles.  Click here to view all of the 'Getting to Know...' profiles from the 2009-10 year.