Emory Swimmers and Divers Help in Haiti Relief Effort

Emory Swimmers and Divers Help in Haiti Relief Effort

Members of the Emory University swimming and diving team were doing their part to help the relief efforts in Haiti, as a number of Eagles volunteered with MedShare earlier this week.

MedShare is a nonprofit organization, which collects surplus medical supplies and equipment from hospitals, medical distribution companies and individuals, and then redistributes them to qualified healthcare facilities in the developing world.  With the recent crisis in Haiti, much of MedShare's attention has been focus on the region.

Emory's swimmers and divers volunteered by repackaging surplus medical supplies from Atlanta-area hospitals that would normally be throw own, but instead will eventually be diverted to those in need, particularly in Haiti.
For more information on MedShare, or to make a donation or volunteer your time, go to www.medshare.org.