Getting To Know


Name: Tim Halinski

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Favorite Television Show: 24

Favorite Musical Artist: Aerosmith

A word to describe me when I am competing: Focused

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Lazy

My most memorable athletic moment was: When I broke my high school's two mile record.

What I like most about Emory: I like the small school feel but also the fact that I can meet someone new everyday.

I would like to switch places for the day with: Jack Sparrow. How cool would it be to be a pirate?

My favorite place on the Emory campus: Either my bed or the duc.

Favorite athlete: Rachel Borrelli

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: The Chicago Bears and White Sox

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: The entire cross country team because they have helped me adjust to a new school and the intense schedule of cross country.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals: I prefer to eat pizza the night before my race if possible.

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams:
Baseball because I played that up until high school when I started running.

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Julius Caesar, Benjamin Franklin, and Will Smith.

Ten years from now I see myself: Very fat and obese if I stop running

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "All great achievements require time." - Angelou, Maya I didn't hear it personally, but I think its great advice.

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I can sometimes carry on a full conversation while sleeping and be completely unaware of it.