Emory Women's Soccer vs. Wheaton in the NCAA Semis Today!

Emory Women's Soccer vs. Wheaton in the NCAA Semis Today!

The Emory University women's soccer team will take on Wheaton College (IL) in the semifinals of the NCAA Championships on Friday at 6:00 PM ET.

For those fans unable to attend, you can watch the game online by clicking here.  There will also be live statistics for the game which can be accesed by clicking here.

While you're waiting for the start of the game, catch up with the Emory women's soccer team's trip to San Antonio so far:

Watch the Eagles work with the Special Olympics at the S.T.A.R. Soccer Complex in San Antonio: 

See junior Veronica Romero's speech at the NCAA Championship Banquet on Thursday night:

See the Eagles outside the Alamo and tour San Antonio's River Walk: