Getting to Know...


Name: Alix Dyer

Favorite Food: Polenta and Nutella

Favorite Movie: The Boondock Saints

Favorite Musical Artist: Basshunter and David Guetta

A word to describe me when I am competing: Concentrated

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Slow

My most memorable athletic moment was: Creating my high school's track team with two friends.

What I like most about Emory: A combination of many things, including the friendly atmosphere and the campus

I would like to switch places for the day with: Hugo Chavez

My favorite place on the Emory campus: Harris Hall 3rd floor

Favorite athlete:  Willy Sagnol

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: Paris Saint Germain (French soccer team) and still follow it

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: My hall mates for getting me to work and to blend in with others.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals:  Blasting the same song about 2-3 times in a row

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Soccer

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Anouar el-Sadate

Ten years from now I see myself as: A traveler

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "Don't marry a French person" from my British father and "Don't marry a Brit!" from my French mother

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: How to correctly pronounce my first name


Name: Alisha Reynolds

Favorite Food: Soul Food

Favorite Movie: Sister Act II

Favorite Television Show: Law and Order: SVU

Favorite Musical Artist: Alicia Keys

A word to describe me when I am competing: Rhythmic/focused

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Eclectic

My most memorable athletic moment was: Passing multiple opponents in the 4 x 400m relay to put my team in the lead. Afterward, I ran to cheer on my teammates.

What I like most about Emory: The variety of cultures represented by the students and organizations. I also love the creative liberal arts curriculum.

I would like to switch places for the day with: Michelle Obama

My favorite place on the Emory campus: The Penthouse Clairmont Tower (Lovely view)

Favorite athlete: Michael Jordan   

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: Chicago Bulls, Timberwolves

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: Ono (learning Specialist) helped me to revise my study habits.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals: I listen to music

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Basketball

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Jesus, Sojourner Truth, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ten years from now I see myself: A Pediatric Dentist, Married, and serving the community by mentoring young women.

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "If you are worried, do your best first, and God will do the rest" -My Mother

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I love to listen to smooth jazz as I study and in my idle time.


Name: Katie Sheehan

Favorite Food: Fettuccini Alfredo

Favorite Movie: Anything with immature humor or dancing

Favorite Television Show: The Office or House

Favorite Musical Artist: Ben Folds

A word to describe me when I am competing: Aggressive and/or reckless

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Laid-back

My most memorable athletic moment was: UAA Conference championships at home sophomore year

What I like most about Emory: Everything

I would like to switch places for the day with: Joe Girardi

My favorite place on the Emory campus: The track

Favorite athlete:  Derek Jeter

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: The New York Yankees (still do)

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: My coaches and my research mentors have all been really supportive of everything that I want to accomplish.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals:  Eating bananas and peanut butter.

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Dance

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Roger Maris, Queen Elizabeth I, Jesse Owens, or Paul Rudd, if he counts

Ten years from now I see myself: Probably still in school

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "Be the labor big or small, do it well or not at all" - the plaque on my kitchen wall at home and "Make healthy choices!"- my mother

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: Before he could say "Katie," my little brother used to call me "Dubba."