Kalyn Wilson
Kalyn Wilson
Title: Coordinator of Mental Health Services in Athletics & Recreation
Email: kalyn.danielle.wilson@emory.edu

Kalyn is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and a proud native of Atlanta, GA. She earned her Master of Social Work (MSW) from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kalyn completed her graduate practicum training at Duke University Counseling and Psychological Services, and later completed a two-year post-graduate social work fellowship at Emory University CAPS. In her role as Coordinator for Mental Health Services in Athletics, Kalyn works primarily with student-athletes, promoting accessibility for mental health services within the Emory Athletics community.

Kalyn is passionate about helping students to gain compassionate self-awareness, build tangible skills, cultivate affirming community, and reach their highest potential. Kalyn is especially invested in supporting historically marginalized students by using an intersectional lens to support students’ personal and environmental needs. Her clinical and outreach interests include identity development, life transitions, relationship and family concerns, impostor syndrome and performance anxiety, trauma, race and cultural concerns, and mood concerns.

Kalyn believes authenticity and collaboration are key in helping her clients to heal. She approaches her work through an integrative lens, which draws from interpersonal, multicultural/Black feminist, and mindfulness-based approaches.

In her spare time, Kalyn enjoys watching movies and TV, writing, traveling, and spending lots of quality time with her family and friends.