Matthew Ross
Matthew Ross
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
High School: Ravenscroft
Position: Mid-Distance
Major: Mathematics
Parents: Michael & Elizabeth


"Running track at Emory has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my college career. Before a race you may get nervous, and the race itself can seem strenuous; you may begin to ask yourself why you put yourself through all of this pain. Then, you look within yourself and realize the reason for doing what you do: a genuine love of running and the exhilaration that it brings, and that realization will not only ease the pain, but can propel you through the race to a successful finish. Successful, not necessarily in terms of times or quickness, but successful in bringing about feelings of personal accomplishment. In the times where I haven't been able to run (due to injuries), I've realized how much running, and just being a part of this team, has become a valuable part of my life."