• 31 NCAA Championship Appearances
  • 23 NCAA Regional Championships
  • 11 All-Americans

Getting To Know


Name: Lauren Shores

Favorite Food: Filet mignon

Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing Havana Nights

Favorite Television Show: Gilmore Girls

Favorite Musical Artist: Nelly

A word to describe me when I am competing: Competitive

A word to describe me away from the athletic venue: Loving

My most memorable athletic moment was: Junior year of high school, winning the conference cross country meet

My most memorable Emory athletic moment: Winning the indoor 3k at UAA's sophomore year

What I like most about Emory: My girls on the cross country team

I would like to switch places for the day with: Nobody

My favorite place on the Emory campus: Clairmont pool!

Favorite pro athlete:  I don't have one

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: Ummm ... the St. Louis Cardinals, still do a little bit

My favorite class at Emory and why: Corporate Finance because Professor Green made the class very entertaining

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: My friends because they are always there for me during tough times

Any pre-meet/competition rituals:  Balance bar or luna bar and Gatorade.  I also love our team
"Grrrrr!!!" cheer

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running/on the track and field team: Basketball or softball

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: Only you can make yourself happy.  - my mom

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I'm scared of fish


Name: Natalie Fenn

Favorite Food: Lemon chicken and basically anything chocolate
Favorite Movie: Now and Then
Favorite Television Show: Grey's Anatomy

Favorite Musical Artist: Hard to say... I guess it depends what mood I'm in, but definitely Kanye and John Mayer are up there
A word to describe me when I am competing:  Focused

A word to describe me when I'm not competing:  Fun-loving
My most memorable athletic moment was:  Making it downstate for the first time in 20 years of school history with my high school cross country team

What I like most about Emory:  The highly motivated and friendly students, and just the overall vibe of the campus
I would like to switch places for the day with:  Johnny Depp.  Well actually Jack Sparrow to be more specific.
My favorite place on the Emory campus:  The bench on the left between the Wood PEC and the DUC... I love bench dates with my xc girls!

Favorite athlete:  Marion Jones
The sports teams I followed when I was younger:  The Chicago Bulls and MJ!  The Cubs are pretty amazing as well :)
My favorite class at Emory and why:  Psyc 110 with Professor Edwards... psychology is incredibly challenging and interesting, and Professor Edwards is great!
The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why:  The xc team has been such a great support network for me as well as all my floor mates.  Special props to my fellow freshmen xc girls and my roommate :)

Any pre-meet/competition rituals:  Packing my running bag the night before with OCD-like tendencies...also pounding water like it's my job
The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running/on the track and field team: Soccer!

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be:  President Kennedy,  Johnny Cash, Eleanor Roosevelt

Ten years from now I see myself:  Working as a translator for the UN... or maybe as a social worker

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you:  "Never let your fears grow so big as to block your dreams." One of my friends from grade school gave me this quote before one of my major competitions in high school.

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you:  I am a perfectionist as well as a procrastinator--quite a deadly combination.