• 31 NCAA Championship Appearances
  • 23 NCAA Regional Championships
  • 11 All-Americans

Getting To Know


Name: Colleen Campbell

Favorite Food: Strawberries

Favorite Movie: Crash

Favorite Television Show: The Office

Favorite Musical Artist: O.A.R. and MGMT

A word to describe me when I am competing: Focused

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Friendly

My most memorable athletic moment was: Winning cross country state with my high school team.

What I like most about Emory: A combination of things, including the general atmosphere, the people, and the campus.

I would like to switch places for the day with: Angelina Jolie

My favorite place on the Emory campus: The duc

Favorite athlete: It's a close tie between Steve Prefontaine, (the most inspirational runner ever) and Usain Bolt (the most entertaining runner to watch)

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: Chicago Bulls and the Louisville Cardinals

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: The other freshman girls on the cross country team, because we are all going through a lot of the same things together.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals: I listen to music. For a big race I'll pick a different song for each mile.

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Swimming or field hockey

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Siddhartha Guatama, JK Rowling, and James Franco

Ten years from now I see myself: There are still a lot of possibilities. Possibly working in international diplomacy and traveling a lot.

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "Mind over matter." - Bethani Massey, my high school cross country team captain

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I've lived in seven different places while growing up.


Name: Rebecca Flink

Favorite Food: Everything served at DUC breakfasts

Favorite Movie: Pretty Woman

Favorite Television Show: Friends and Scrubs

Favorite Musical Artist: Rascal Flatts

A word to describe me when I am competing: Aggressive

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Friendly

My most memorable athletic moment was: Though I try to forget it... the time I fell (and fully submerged myself) in the water pit during the 3000m Steeplechase at our UAA conference meet

What I like most about Emory: the campus, it's gorgeous and I love walking around on it everyday, and also the people

My favorite place on the Emory campus: Lower Fields

Favorite athlete: Tommy Fyffe

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: New York Yankees and New York Giants

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: My teammates, they know me better than anyone and have seen me through it all

Any pre-meet/competition rituals: Peanut butter power bar, plus of course our team cheer

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Swimming, I swam competitively until I was 16

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Steve Prefontaine, Confucius, my grandfather

Ten years from now I see myself: Being fluent in Chinese, but hopefully it won't take another 10 years

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: via Gabe Dixon Band song lyric: "Live your life just how you love to live it, and things will all fall into place"

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I can solve a Rubik's cube


Name: Arwen Marker

Favorite Food: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Favorite Movie: Bridget Jones' Diary

Favorite Television Show: House

Favorite Musical Artist: Audioslave or Bon Jovi

A word to describe me when I am competing: Focused

A word to describe me when I'm not competing: Easy-going

My most memorable athletic moment was: Running without a shoe for a mile in a cross-country race which was mostly on pavement - ouch! But I got a cool nickname from it: the Shoeless Wonder.

What I like most about Emory: I love the people...they are all so friendly, diverse, and loads of fun!

I would like to switch places for the day with: Jennifer Aniston, just to get the movie star status for a day.

My favorite place on the Emory campus: The DUC because there's always someone there that you know. I just wish it was a little warmer in there...don't they ever turn down the ac?

Favorite athlete: Michael Phelps...because he looks so good in a speedo.

The sports teams I followed when I was younger: Football - the Ohio State Buckeyes, of course; Baseball - Cleveland Indians

The people who have helped me most at Emory are and why: The entire cross-country team because they have so much advice to give and personal experiences to share.

Any pre-meet/competition rituals: I always used to eat oatmeal for breakfast before a meet, unfortunately I haven't been able to recently because I can't get any oatmeal that early in the morning here.

The sport I would be playing if I wasn't running on the cross/track and field teams: Club Soccer or Crew

If I could have dinner with only three people in history, they would be: Gandhi because he would be so interesting and enlightening to talk to, Jon Bon Jovi so there would be some great music to listen to, and Jude Law so that I would have someone beautiful to look at during the meal.

Ten years from now I see myself: Completing my residency to become a surgeon and making plans to set up a practice in a third world country.

The best advice I have ever been given and who gave it to you: "Never be afraid of making mistakes because everyone does. The real mistake is not putting yourself out there and trying new things." - My Mom

What is something that very few, if any, people know about you: I once broke my leg by tripping over a garden hose - quite possibly the lamest injury ever, which is why I keep it to myself.