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Senior Spotlight: Jack Rubenstein

Senior Spotlight: Jack Rubenstein

The Emory Senior Spotlight Series continues with a look at current baseball student-athlete Jack Rubenstein.

Name: Jack Rubenstein

Hometown (HS): Atlanta, GA (Pace Academy)

Sport: Baseball


** Current major? 

 Strategic Management and Consulting with secondary focus in real estate

** How did you start getting involved with baseball? How old were you when you started playing? 

 I started playing tee ball when I was 4 years old.

** Do you have any plans for after graduation? 

I am hoping to continue playing baseball while pursuing a masters degree at the division I level.

** What is one piece of advice you would give to your freshman self? 

Be more open to meeting new people.

** Which Emory faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why? 

Coach T because he has believed in me since the day I stepped on campus and he will always have my back no matter the circumstance.

** What is one class would you retake just for fun and why? 

Sports Finance because Professor Tom Smith is a true legend and brings in amazing guest speakers.

** What is the most unique thing about your hometown? 

We have never won a professional sports championship in my lifetime.

** What is something that people may not know about you but should? 

One of my favorite activities is hot yoga.

** Other than baseball, what is another sport you think you could play at a high level? 

Ping Pong

** What is one professional athlete (past or present) would you like to have a conversation with and why? 

Yadier Molina. He is a true winner and the smoothest catcher out there.

** How have you been trying to occupy your time with given the current COVID environment?

I have been trying to spend more time perfecting my craft on the baseball field. Mostly weight training and hitting in the cages.

** Food you hate that everybody else seems to enjoy? 

Celery with my wings

** What would you say are your top three movies or television shows of all time? 

Breaking Bad, Entourage, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

** What is your favorite thing to do around Atlanta? 

Going to a Braves game

** What is your favorite Atlanta restaurant?


** What has been your most memorable moment during competition during your Eagles career? 

When I was playing left field vs Birmingham southern on my 21st birthday and all of my friends came to sit on the left field wall with signs.

** Favorite non-athletic moment from your past few years at Emory? 

Touring NYC with my teammates when we played our conference series @ NYU. 

** Favorite team tradition/activity?

Alumni weekend. There is truly nothing more special about Emory Baseball than the commitment we get from alumni every single year. 

** What would be one thing you'd like to impart to the underclassmen before finishing your career?

I recommend playing Summer ball. Some of my best baseball memories have come from my collegiate summer league experiences. Not only is it great for development but I also built some amazing relationships.