Matt Ross
Matt Ross
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
High School: Ravenscroft
Major: Psychology, Linguistics
Parents: Psychology, Linguistics

Senior (2004):

Ross ran a season-best time of 27 minutes and 49 seconds at the NCAA pre-national meet. He finished in the top seven for the Eagles in three of the five meets he ran in this season.

Junior (2003):

Ross ran a season-best time of 27 minutes and 32 seconds at the Southeastern Classic. He finished among the top 10 for the Eagles in five of his six meets.

Career Stats:

Year W L Pct. Avg. Best
2003 451 266 .629 28:23 27:32
2004 417 283 .596 28:21 27:49
Career 868 549 .613   27:32


"So far, this season (my first one running cross country at Emory) has been extremely challenging, yet very rewarding. I have definitely been pushed physically further than I ever have in my life before, yet that makes the success you feel after finishing a tough race that much more satisfying. The members of this team are all extremely dedicated runners, and the fact that we're all participating in this common activity has created a bond between us that goes beyond just being running buddies; we have become friends. Coach Graham is an amazing coach, and if I were to become a coach, I would definitely model my style after him. There was a race earlier this season where I remember finishing and improving my time a lot, and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I actually felt satisfied with myself. I credit my being a part of this team with helping me to find this sense of satisfaction."